Senin, 09 Juli 2012

APA INI .. ???

Tanpa sengaja secangkir coffee milk tumpah menjalar di dasar pijakan kakinya. Sore itu, lamunannya terpecah di antara kicauan anak kecil yang sedang beradu asumsi di luar bingkai jendela. Entah lahh ,,

incridible holiday

Singapore is the best tourism place that I had ever been visited. Especially, when I went to Singapore on Chinese New Year. Beside it is so beautiful because it has amazing buildings, one of them is


To be a successful student is not difficult. You can do it if you follow some steps here. First, think what you want,

Cellular Phone for Children

Nothing people wonder about the using of the cellular phone would be a restricted thing in the society now. This is caused by the effect of the communication required which is more urged and the price of cellular phone is cheaper from year to year.